A Travellerspoint blog


Our first Aussie pitstop

26 °C
View Mark and Kate's 12 month holiday on MarknKate's travel map.

We arrived safe and sound in Cairns on Monday morning. Our flight was via Darwin on JetStar airlines which is like the budget airline of Quantas so there were certainly no frills on this one - they had an annoying habit of playing a range Australian music over the speakers for take off and landing on repeat...at a loud volume...over and over...at 2am...enough said...

We're staying at The Figtree Lodge about 20 mins walk to the main town centre.

Last night we wandered into the town via The Esplande road....

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.....and today we went in search of our new home for the next few months, our campervan. Think we have found a few options and we are just weighing them up and will then hopefully get on and buy it later this week, how very exciting!!!

Will post soon with what happens....

Posted by MarknKate 23:14 Archived in Australia Tagged round_the_world

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