A Travellerspoint blog

Squeaky sand, Mountains and sunsets

10th Jan By Mark

sunny 29 °C

Sticking out of the bottom of Victoria is Wilson Promontory, a national park that we'd highlighted for a visit. As we were travelling during the main summer holidays the campsites within the park had all booked out months in advance but we managed to find a place in a little town called Foster about 30 minutes away from the parks entrance.

As national parks go, Wilsons Prom is pretty large with a number of mountains, forests, lakes, rivers and coast line all contained within it - all of it teaming with wildlife. After a little exploratory drive around and a wander along Squeaky Beach (the sand squeaks as you walk on it, rather gratting actually) we decided to set off on a hike up on of the parks mountains, Mt Oberon. At 550 metres it's no Everest but still at 35+ degrees a worthy hike!

A little out of breath we make it to the top just in time for the clouds to roll in and our view of the park to be almost completly masked from view...typical! Regardless we spent some time at the top of the mountain feeling rather pleased with ourselves and enjoying the cool mountin air before embarking on the journey back down.

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We'd read that sunset from any one of the vantage points within Wilsons Prom is worth waiting around for, so we set off in Betsey to find a suitable spot to wait for 20:45. It's apparently one of (or the only, i forget) place in Victoria where you can watch the sun set over the sea. It was pretty impressive and worth the wait.

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On the way out of the park we were on the look out for wildlife in all it's Aussie glory and weren't dissapointed with numerous spottings of Kangaroos grazing as well as one special sighting of a Wombat hustling across the road, those little fellas are just too damn cute.

Posted by MarknKate 11:00 Archived in Australia Tagged round_the_world

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