A Travellerspoint blog

Hunter Valley

You're now entering Wine country...

semi-overcast 16 °C
View Mark and Kate's 12 month holiday on MarknKate's travel map.

We'd been in Sydney for a while and decided it was time to get back in the van and spend a few nights out of town seeing the countryside that was around us.

We headed up to the Hunter Valley which is one of Australia's leading wine regions, we picked a COLD weekend and after spending nights in comfy warm beds it seems we'd turned soft as we froze our asses off sleeping in the van!

We visited out of season so there were no grapes on the vine and it was pretty quiet but still really enjoyable and very beautiful.

Hunter_Val..y_vines.jpg Hunter_Val.._Valley.jpg Hunter_Val..rainbow.jpg

Hunter_Val..py_days.jpg Hunter_Val..is_trip.jpg Hunter_Val.._barley.jpg

We'll be heading back here again - hopefully in season!

Posted by MarknKate 13:32 Archived in Australia Tagged round_the_world

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